Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Black Cat - A History

    The Black Cat has many myths and legends behind it. The well-known myth about a black cat crossing your path insinuates you will have bad luck is just one of many superstitions. According to Britain black cats are good luck citing that it was once believed that a black cat is a harbinger of good things to come. A woman who owns a black cat meant she will have many suitors.
   In the western world black cats are associated with bad luck. During the witch trials in America, many people believed black cats were symbols of evil omens and owned or powered by witches. In the Middle Ages in Europe when the whole idea of witch hunting started before Salem, MA – people did massive hunts for black cats because of the popular folklore about them. Of course the color black was associated with evil and anarchism. Even today many shelter stop adoption of black cats around Halloween in the belief that people may want to harm them.
   Personally, my neighborhood in NJ has a neighborhood cat – well two, one white and one black. The black cat named Blacky (very creative) who was the first cat I came in contact with that took away my fears of cats. The white one named Lily happens to be the most evil spirited cat. White is not her color - just saying...


  1. I was really interested to learn that in Great Britain black cats were a sign of good luck. It is a part of the western world and many of the first settlements in the United States were British colonies. Do you know why they don't believe the evil black cat superstition?

    -David Serrano

  2. From what I've read it seems that things changed with the whole witch hysteria which started roughly around the 1400s. It would seem that started the trend...poor kitties....

    Anne V.
